3GPP-T-WG3 codecs

I need people interested in the are of codecs. Can someone help with 
the following request?

Let me know if you are interested (or know someone which are interested).

    Co-Area Director, Applications Area

Date: Wednesday, 29 November, 2000 15:06 -0800
From: "Leuca, Ileana" <ileana.leuca@attws.com>
To: "'sob@harvard.edu'" <sob@harvard.edu>
Subject: 3GPP-T-WG3 codecs


the 3GPP-T2-WG3 defines the minimum set of supported formats for
Multimedia Messaging Services.

Please help to find an IETF person(s) to be included in the
process of standardizing the minimum set of codex for audio,
video and image types.

In summary the following text is proposed today:
Multiple media elements shall be combined into a composite
single MM using MIME multipart format as defined in RFC 2046
[x]. The media type of a single MM element shall be identified
by its appropriate MIME type whereas the media format shall be
indicated by its appropriate MIME subtype.

In order to guarantee a minimum support and compatibility
between multimedia messaging capable terminals, the following
media formats shall be at least supported.

Suggested formats or codecs for media type Audio:
- AMR / EFR; organised in octet format as specified in 3G TS
26.101 and 3G TS 26.101
- MP3

Suggested formats or codecs for media type Image:
- GIF 89a .

Suggested formats or codecs for media type Video:
- MPEG 4 (Visual Simple Profile, Level 1)
- ITU-T H.263
- Quicktime

Minimum set of supported media shall support type Text formats.
Any character encoding (charset) that contains a subset of the
logical characters in Unicode [7] shall be used (e.g. US-ASCII
[8], ISO-8859-1[9], UTF-8[10], Shift_JIS, etc.).
Unrecognised subtypes of "text" shall be treated as subtype
"plain" as long as the MIME implementation knows how to handle
the charset. Any other unrecognised subtype and unrecognised
charset shall be treated as "application/octet - stream".

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Received on Thursday, 30 November 2000 13:04:31 UTC